Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I knew I would.

Love this.


She's six months on Saturday, and has become a terrible two. Rather than enjoying her toys, I am constantly telling her NO, NO, NO! She loves the backs of my shoes, coat hangers, hats, etc. I came in the den one day and she had unraveled a spool of ribbon that ran throughout the house. I let her play with it and she managed to take it with her everywhere she went.

Driving me crazy. Obedience training coming shortly.

A simple letter.

It's been a while since I've blogged. Let's just say between the holidays, work and other things going on, life has been 90-to-nothing. It's been a crazy start to 2012.

Saw this idea on pinterest and LOVED it. It looks great in my bookcase and only cost around $10 to make.

Items needed:
Paper Letter (Hobby Lobby)
Felt flower
Glue gun

How to do it:
Begin wrapping the yarn around the letter, ensuring a few layers to cover the letter. In the corners, I used a sharpie to darken the area if the yarn wouldn't cover.

I glued the edge at the end to the back side of the letter and then glued the felt flower on the front. Very easy, took about 20 minutes.