Thursday, April 26, 2012


So I don't even know where to begin on my life lately. All I can say is it's been BUSY, per usual. For those of you who aren't Facebook friends, Twitter followers, or Instagram users, here's a bit of what's been going on:
Working in the Mississippi Delta this week - Love the Delta!!!

The sky after a storm the other night. Thought it was beautiful!!

My new sofa. love it!

A little egg-dropping contest at the agency - just because!

Sweet Boo Boo. Haven't seen her all week and I miss her!!!

Downtown Greenwood at night. Lived here this week.
Lusco's, Greenwood, Mississippi.
Bridge in Downtown Greenwood, Mississippi.

Me and little AnnaBelle in Oxford. Her momma's one of my best friends since the 6th grade. She's a little miracle.

C and P on a little walk in my neighborhood. They love a good walk.

Gonna miss them so much next year!! They leave in about three months.

My sweet friend Emily. She was my roommate in Africa and we forever bonded from that experience.

Rebel and the kids.
Loving some Ole Miss baseball this year!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Family Pictures.

We bought my mom a gift card to Followell Fotography two years ago in the hopes of getting some good family pictures. About six years ago, we took one at the beach when C was a baby, and P has been asking for awhile now why he isn't in the family picture.

So, a few weeks ago we all packed our clothes up and drove over to Clinton to spend the afternoon with Robby Followell. Robby is not just an incredible photographer, he's a sweet friend. Honestly, he's been gifted by God with an eye to capture moments, and could probably be one of the best photographers I've ever been around. (And hey, I'm in advertising, I'm around photographers a lot.)

Here is a small sampling of a ton of pictures he took. So many great moments.

This could potentially be my favorite one. We didn't (obviously) know he was shooting us, and it captures exactly how we are. Especially Parker.