Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What a month can bring....

For all five of you who read and care, it's been a busy few weeks. Well, come to think of it....when is it NOT busy?! Actually, this week and next look to be somewhat quieter if that is possible. Longing for it.

We had our last family trip for quite some time...we went to Blue Ridge, Georgia and as you can see from the pictures, had a wonderful time. It was full of rest and relaxation. We hiked, played cards, cooked, shopped....just really enjoyed each other. 

Our view from our cabin. Amazing Grace was the name.

Lots of checkers among this crew.

Went to the Ocoee and watch it fill with water and then people. I've been down this river around 20 times and have LOTS of memories here.


Right after my family vacation I headed to Oxford to plan and shoot 2012 TV. Excited about it! Our crew was wonderful -- one of the best I've ever worked with. Thankful for the ease they provided.

My sweet little Boo -- my therapy dog, as I refer to her sometimes. She came at such a perfect time! The good Lord knew I needed that sweet little one. 

My sis-in-law and I at my brothers going away party. They moved away so he could finally finish school and be a full-time doctor. Hooray for that, boo for moving. :(

One of my very best friends babies. Love that boo.

Parker man got balloons from his mamie when he had his tonsils out. He was such a trooper (and threw up all over me!)