Monday, November 5, 2012

I am thankful.....

November 1. Today I am thankful for incredible teams who pull together and make things happen quickly.....and this extra chewy piece of bumble gum.

November 2. Today I am thankful for how much better I feel this year (compared to last). And for really low interest rates that just put $$$$ back in my pocket.

November 3. Today I am thankful for long, encouraging dinners with sweet friends, and a fun day in the country shooting guns.

November 4. Today I am thankful for amazing rest, rainy Sundays, the freedom to worship, and that Jesus loves me.

November 5. Today I am thankful for the will/ability to exercise, for
good friends who meet you at the gym at what seems like the middle of the night, and for a God who pursues me through a beautiful sunrise.

November 6. Today I am thankful for my freedom. And for my right to delete people on Facebook. 

November 7. Today I am thankful for a sweet, sweet night of worship last night in my kitchen, reminding me of the greatest Love who pursues me, protects me, loves me, and always goes before and comes behind.  

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Metro Christian Living -- November

Recently I was asked to write for a local magazine on what God is doing in my life, who he is to me, the struggles I face, the longings I have, the love I share....well, anything and everything. It's becoming an online journal, if you will, of the little lessons God is showing me daily. I am truly hopeful this small ounce of my life lessons can encourage and love those reading, and that God is truly glorified through these words. May they be his words and not mine.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Living it up -- NEEDTOBREATHE

If you know me, you completely understand and appreciate my love for music. I've never been a good singer (I've asked God if I can be in the choir in Heaven), however, that does not keep me from singing. Out loud.

And I love live music. Definitely in my top 10 (maybe top 5) things to do.

And I pride myself on finding music before its cool to find it. Below are some pictures (UGH, my videos won't load) from a recent Needtobreathe concert. I can't take full credit for Needtobreathe as my SIL introduced me, but I liked them before it was the cool thing to do....back when they'd hang out with fans after their shows. Yea.

And they came to town with Drew Holcomb, another up-and-comer. He's legit. Definitely a new favorite.

One of my best friends Emily won free tickets to NTB -- on the front row. We were up there with a bunch of college students so I felt a little old, but it was amazing being that close. In fact, Bear emptied his water bottle on me. Seriously. My shirt and face were soaking wet. While those around me (who also got wet) probably thought "I AM NEVER WASHING MY CLOTHES/FACE AGAIN..." all I could think was "OMG. I am soaking wet." [I wasn't mad -- very entertained, but I showed how I've matured over the years. If NKOTB had done that back when I was 11, I would never have washed my clothes again.]

My ear rang for two solid days --- here's to getting old, and losing my hearing from many more concerts.

Go watch their newest song here: Difference Maker. LOVE. 

Friday, October 19, 2012

Where do I start.

 I started this blog to be my projects blog -- you know, when I have "free" time. Yea right. What is free time, anyway.

So you know I moved to Oxford last year for 6 months to work on one of my accounts (HOTTY TODDY). It's my home away from home and I love getting away up there. But somewhere in that time, I also became more discontent with God than I've ever been before. I found myself absolutely worn down. In all areas, and rather than recognize, be wise and rest, I kept going full force.

You see, I've always tried to fight through my circumstances. I will wait, I would tell myself. He is good. He will come. But I have always waited for that special man. The one who God has created to be with me, and I with him. I found myself always looking at tomorrow and neglecting today. Today was not good enough, for I had not found the one whom my soul loves. What I lost sight of was that waiting means I wait on God. Seek his love alone. Period. I was looking so forward to the future that my heart was sick in the present.

Do you know what being discontent, lonely, angry at God brings? A very hard, trying, sad time. It is difficult admitting this because I long with all that I am to be a sweet, loving, fun, and happy person. Always. It was difficult. I stopped exercising, I stopped calling people back. What happened?

And then my sweet family, my sweet, sweet family at the right time.... "Amy, you need fellowship. You are sad, you aren't eating well, you aren't exercising. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and go bless someone. Get out and go help someone in need." I didn't deny. I agreed.

Y'all, I say none of this to freak you out..... I am boldly showing my shortcomings.....I say this to show you that losing sight of the love God has for you is dangerous. Being outside of fellowship that will uphold you, love you, call you into accountability is dangerous.

Where am I now? I'm seeking God with a heart of full abandon asking him to help me today. To show me his love today. To be focused completely on him hourly. We aren't promised tomorrow, and I do not want to continue to wish my life away. God has too much he wants to do with me (and you). Is it hard, yes. I have to confess my wandering heart and mind regularly. But I'm fighting. That's all I can do -- FIGHT. 

Last night, I was looking for a special verse I love in Isaiah and the verse below caught my eye. I cannot tell you how many times I have asked God why he had foresaken me. This life we live, this love we have, it's all from him. For him. Be loved. Love him. After all, we only love because he first loved us.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

What a month can bring....

For all five of you who read and care, it's been a busy few weeks. Well, come to think of it....when is it NOT busy?! Actually, this week and next look to be somewhat quieter if that is possible. Longing for it.

We had our last family trip for quite some time...we went to Blue Ridge, Georgia and as you can see from the pictures, had a wonderful time. It was full of rest and relaxation. We hiked, played cards, cooked, shopped....just really enjoyed each other. 

Our view from our cabin. Amazing Grace was the name.

Lots of checkers among this crew.

Went to the Ocoee and watch it fill with water and then people. I've been down this river around 20 times and have LOTS of memories here.


Right after my family vacation I headed to Oxford to plan and shoot 2012 TV. Excited about it! Our crew was wonderful -- one of the best I've ever worked with. Thankful for the ease they provided.

My sweet little Boo -- my therapy dog, as I refer to her sometimes. She came at such a perfect time! The good Lord knew I needed that sweet little one. 

My sis-in-law and I at my brothers going away party. They moved away so he could finally finish school and be a full-time doctor. Hooray for that, boo for moving. :(

One of my very best friends babies. Love that boo.

Parker man got balloons from his mamie when he had his tonsils out. He was such a trooper (and threw up all over me!)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In other news.

I've spent 18 of the last 25 nights in beds other than my own. Traveling like crazy. I love it, but would be lying if I didn't tell you I was ready to sit still for a little while.

Just thought I would share a few pictures I've taken recently:

First off - check out my boo boo. Look how much she's grown (right picture is current). 

The Alluvian in Greenwood takes such good care of me. This week they put me up in one of the apartments (or lofts as they call them). Feeling quite pampered!

The church they used in "The Help". Just came upon it the other night. 

We all know I love a good sky picture. So beautiful!
 Pictures I took in the Mississippi Delta this week. LOVE.

My thoughts on things.

So much has been rattling around in my brain lately, I started a blog post last week, walked away, and am just now sitting back down to write.

Which is a good thing since I needed rest and to step back from the situation to gather my bearings and what exactly it was that burdened me. It all started last week - topic: gay marriage.

It seemed like for two days my twitter feed was full of people commenting - mostly in support of President Obama's thoughts on the issue. His announcement immediately followed the Gov. of North Carolina's derogatory comment toward the conservatives in her state as well as those in my home state regarding the same issue.

And I stopped, sat back, and decided that I cannot, nor will I try to get defensive due to political decisions that I don't agree with or do agree with. The issue is much greater than any political decisions, redefinition of what marriage is, etc, and I honestly feel like we've lost sight of who ultimately creates this law we are discussing.

The issue is this: we are so lost as a country it is heart-breaking. And we don't care. We don't seek. Even believers don't know the heart of God's word. We are to know and breathe His word. I feel as if we've become the Israelites, bowing down to our false gods, worshipping as if we have no concept of who He is, what he created, what he instilled, how He loves, the grace He offers, and the wrath He has. And I'm not saying this does not define me too.

My prayer has become one of protection for my mind, my heart, for those around me. For protection in a land of godless thoughts, desires. I've prayed that he would have mercy on us, he would protect us, he would guard us. Do not look to political leaders to define what you believe. To your own "good-feelings." Read his word. Understand his word. Trust his word.

Thursday, April 26, 2012


So I don't even know where to begin on my life lately. All I can say is it's been BUSY, per usual. For those of you who aren't Facebook friends, Twitter followers, or Instagram users, here's a bit of what's been going on:
Working in the Mississippi Delta this week - Love the Delta!!!

The sky after a storm the other night. Thought it was beautiful!!

My new sofa. love it!

A little egg-dropping contest at the agency - just because!

Sweet Boo Boo. Haven't seen her all week and I miss her!!!

Downtown Greenwood at night. Lived here this week.
Lusco's, Greenwood, Mississippi.
Bridge in Downtown Greenwood, Mississippi.

Me and little AnnaBelle in Oxford. Her momma's one of my best friends since the 6th grade. She's a little miracle.

C and P on a little walk in my neighborhood. They love a good walk.

Gonna miss them so much next year!! They leave in about three months.

My sweet friend Emily. She was my roommate in Africa and we forever bonded from that experience.

Rebel and the kids.
Loving some Ole Miss baseball this year!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Family Pictures.

We bought my mom a gift card to Followell Fotography two years ago in the hopes of getting some good family pictures. About six years ago, we took one at the beach when C was a baby, and P has been asking for awhile now why he isn't in the family picture.

So, a few weeks ago we all packed our clothes up and drove over to Clinton to spend the afternoon with Robby Followell. Robby is not just an incredible photographer, he's a sweet friend. Honestly, he's been gifted by God with an eye to capture moments, and could probably be one of the best photographers I've ever been around. (And hey, I'm in advertising, I'm around photographers a lot.)

Here is a small sampling of a ton of pictures he took. So many great moments.

This could potentially be my favorite one. We didn't (obviously) know he was shooting us, and it captures exactly how we are. Especially Parker.