Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My little pony.

My brother called me the other night to tell me the sweetest story about my niece. They had a garage sale and had asked the kids to choose some toys to sell for their Disney jar. Well, since C is so ready to make that trip, she's all about filling up the jar (the trip is already planned for all of us, she just doesn't know). So she decided to sell two my little ponies....for $10 originally and then $1,500 when asked. She'd tell people "I have to get to disney world." The girl does not play.

While this story is so sweet and funny, it's makes me think: In order to fill up our jars, we must sacrifice, work hard and sometimes ask for more. It takes time -- but often there is a reward for doing so.

Sometimes I wish I rationed like a 5yo. :)

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