Sunday, March 16, 2014

Coming clean....

Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own,for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body. I Corinthians 6:19-20

About six weeks ago I read two different articles that shook me up a little. I'd been thinking a good deal about the amount of sugar that I was ingesting (and bad food in general), and knew it was time to do something about it...but these articles sent it into fast gear.

The first: Oreos more addictive than heroine. 
The second: Sugar molecules cause cancer to grow. (I can't find the article now, but the Cleveland Clinic produced it, so I believe it. :))
 And while referencing those articles, found this one about sugar....attention grabbing. 

I really struggled knowing loved ones had overcome addictions to drugs, and yet I couldn't overcome my addiction to sugar.

I met with my trainer end of February (started 2/24) and told her I needed it out of my system, and started the process of beginning my detox. It was a 14 day process, but I maintained it for 21 days.

It is one of the hardest things I think I've ever done. Hands down. I had to give up the following:
  • Caffeine 
  • Dairy (including eggs)
  • All processed foods
  • Sugar (except in fruit)
  • Bacon
I was allowed to eat:
  • Fruit 
  • Vegetables
  • Meat, Fish, Chicken
  • Beans
  • Hummus (PRAISE THE LORD)
  • Vegan protein shakes
  • Almond butter + almond milk
The hardest part: caffeine. The withdrawal is real. It took me a solid four days to overcome the extreme exhaustion I felt, but day five I felt GOOD. The first week I kept looking forward to day 15 to come off the madness. The 2nd week I was looking forward to maintaining\ this new lifestyle in an ongoing mannor. After the withdrawal and exhaustion stopped, my body started praising it's new life.

I've included the charts below to be more specific, as I know many of you are planning on doing something like this. I managed to maintain it for 21 days and then had a modified meal that wasn't at all clean. I immediately wanted to throw up as my body rejected everything about that meal. It has become so conditioned to whole foods that it makes me feel terrible if I fill it with crap.

My life has truly changed. I feel like a new woman, have so much more energy, confidence, joy. The detox was taking care of things in my body, but the Lord was using it for greater purposes, detoxing me from the last few years of my life. I stood in the kitchen last week confessing my sin in longing after a relationship that wasn't for me, thankful he protected me from destruction.

God is gracious. He is merciful. He allows us to walk through hard times in order to see His best over us. I encourage everyone to go through this. To learn what your body is supposed to feel like. Our food has become covered in extremely terrible crap and we were created to eat from the land. (As I tell some, the exterior of the grocery store.)

I'm planning on doing the whole 30 in April. Would love for you to join me. I'll be doing a blog post on that soon, shoot me an email if you'd like to do it with me. It will be intense, but so much easier as a community! And believe me, if I can do it, you can too!!

The list of foods you can eat:

Menu of detox foods -- should help you as you plan on making meals.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Job Amy!! I recently did the 10 day real food challenge from the website. After 10 days I felt indescribably amazing. My "fat brain" has let things creep back in that don't need to be there and like you I immediately feel body doesn't want this junk even if my tongue wants the taste.

    Proud of you! And remember, not only is "you are what you eat" is "you are what you eat has eaten". So just because it's along the perimeter doesn't mean it's "clean". If you eat a part of a cow who has been raised on grain and not allowed to roam free and graze in pastures as it naturally would, the meat you are eating has been altered and no longer provides your body the same nutrients it needed from the meat. (just one example). Our food has come so far from what it use to be.

    Whole30 looks hard for sure, but I bet you'll be feeling the best you ever have for sure!
