Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A big white (with a grey tint) wall.

Since moving into my house, people have asked me non-stop if I am loving it. While I am loving a new place to rest my head, I know ultimately that my satisfaction does not live in that home.

However.....I have had the hardest time designing my new home. A while back I decided that I wanted a crisp home - white (ish) walls, yellows, greys. Something completely different from my last home. So I did that. Made it white. You can decorate anything with that, right? WRONG. I have been so conflicted on how to make my den look just right, and I'm struggling. It's not like me to be indecisive about decorating as I'm generally very headstrong. I want it to look just right. Isn't that ridiculous? I think ultimately the rug doesn't match the walls, and my red couch needs to be recovered and it's throwing me off. I do LOVE my bedroom style. It's already perfect and calming...

And then I'm reminded, my last house looked "just right" the day I sold it! It took me five years to get it just how I wanted.

If you have any ideas, I am always open to help.

Here is the wall (the ceilings are 11 ft so it's a tall wall):

And here is what I am thinking (with a circular mirror to replace the current one and a colored frame around that white drawing on the R):

Comments? Thoughts? Suggestions?

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